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Downtown Toronto 416-722-3393
East York 416-888-1008

Jiu Jitsu Program


A specialized educational and structural program for those actively participating or competing in the sport of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Mixed Martial Arts. The program helps individuals with the mobility and strength of their guard which can aid in dictating your offensive and defensive capabilities in Jiu Jitsu/MMA. The program is also used for the prevention of lower extremity joint wear and tear which accumulates over years of practice in the sport.

Can it help my style of grappling?

The program is aimed to aid your hips in strength and mobility in all kinds of styles and guards expressed in the sport of Jiu Jitsu and MMA.

Types of Guards:

  • Closed Guard
  • Half Guard
  • Butterfly Guard
  • Collar and sleeve guard
  • Spider Guard
  • De La Riva Guard
  • X Guard
  • Lapel Guards

What is the program schedule?

The Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program for individuals is a 11 week workout program that will take place in a one on one setting with the practitioner which will be followed up at home. Week 1 is an introduction to the program accompanied with baseline testing for mobility, strength, and power relative to positional scenarios experienced in both sports. Following this, clients will come into the clinic once every week for 4 weeks and once every other week for 4 weeks with each session guiding you through the program. The final session will be a debrief along with a retest of the initial objective measures which were tested.

Week                            Schedule

Week 1                         Introduction and education

Baseline testing

Week 2                         Workout plan 1

Repeat as guided in the plan

Week 3                         Workout plan 2

Repeat as guided in the plan

Week 4                         Workout plan 3

Repeat as guided in the plan

Week 5                         Workout plan 4

Repeat as guided in the plan

Week 7                         Workout plan 5

Repeat as guided in the plan

Week 9                         Workout plan 6

Repeat as guided in the plan

Week 11                       Debrief

Reassessment of baseline testing Following steps and self-care

What should I expect?

  • Led by Dr. Osama Mohammad, a Chiropractor, with a history in MMA and BJJ for the last 7 years.
  • Force plate testing, Positional force testing applicable to the sport of BJJ, and Hip mobility baseline testing.
  • Manual Therapy consisting of soft tissue therapy, extremity mobilizations, and manipulations as deemed necessary.
  • Individual workout classes.
  • Combination of bodyweight training and weightlifting.
  • Direct access and collaboration with rehab professionals and performance coaches.

What are the goals of the program?

The program goals are:

  1. To improve mobility, strength, stability, and positional control of your hip joints.
  2. Reduce risk of pain/injuries caused by the wear and tear of the sport.
  3. Equip clients with a program which they can continue to follow or modify into their existing programs

Requirements to join:

Participants must also not have a connective tissue disorder i.e; Scleroderma, Churg-Strauss Syndrome, Lupus.

What is the cost?

The program consists of 8 in-person sessions, 7 of which will be billed at $135 each. It is covered under chiropractic extended health insurance benefits.