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Downtown Toronto 416-722-3393
East York 416-888-1008


Below you will find a list of some conditions that we see at Push Pounds Sports Medicine with our Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy clientele.  Below you will find a list of symptoms and conditions that may be affecting your body in the head and neck area. At Push Pounds Sports Medicine, we specialize in several different services that can help treat your health problems. Please feel free to read more about your symptoms, conditions and our suggested treatments, or contact us to pinpoint the best treatment to heal your body.


Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy




Muscle Strain - Downtown Toronto Neck Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy program sees a lot of muscle strains. A muscle strain (pulled muscle) in the head and neck occurs when the muscle fibres endure strenuous activity beyond their limits. Both professional and amateur athletes may experience muscle strain when sprinting, stretching or changing direction quickly. Mild muscle strains will usually result in soreness and swelling. Additionally, the range of movement around the affected muscle may be inhibited. More serious strains will cause considerable pain and severe restriction in movement.

Muscle Strain Treatment Options:

Whiplash - Downtown Toronto Neck Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy program sees a lot of whiplash. An injury to the neck caused when the neck is jerked in a back-and-forth motion, following a rapid acceleration or deceleration of force. It is most commonly experienced in motor vehicle accidents, but some contact sports such as football or hockey can lead to whiplash as well. Symptoms usually appear within 24 hours of the incident and can include headaches, neck pain, back pain, jaw pain, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea.

Whiplash Treatment Options:

TMJ (jaw pain) - Downtown Toronto Neck Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy program sees a lot of TMJ (jaw pain). The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the jaw to the temporal bones of the skull. Also known as TMJ Dysfunction (TMD), the abnormal motion of your temporomandibular joint. Common symptoms of TMD include difficulties opening the mouth fully, clicking of the jaw, clenching of the jaw or teeth grinding, stiffness, jaw pain, or neck pain.

TMJ Treatment Options:

Torticollis - Downtown Toronto Neck Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy program sees a lot of torticollis. Also known as “twisted neck,” an extension or twisting of muscles of the neck beyond their normal position. The neck tends to twist to one side, causing a head tilt. In sports, athletes who have experienced trauma to the neck or spine can lead to torticollis. Aside from the head appearing to be turned more towards one side, people will often experience other symptoms such as: neck pains or cramps, back pain, muscle tightness, burning sensations, and headaches.

Torticollis Treatment Options:

Pinched Nerve - Downtown Toronto Neck Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy program sees a lot of pinched nerves.  Also known as a compressed nerve, a pinched nerve develops when one or more nerves are compressed or constricted by a bone, muscle, cartilage, or tendon. Although most people associate it with the neck or back, it can happen anywhere. Pinched nerves can occur in areas that are overworked such as the elbows or wrists in tennis players. Regardless of the location, the common symptoms are numbness, tingling sensations, increase pain when walking, standing, twisting, or lifting.

Pinched Nerve Treatment Options:

Degenerative Disc Disease - Downtown Toronto Neck Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy program sees a lot of degenerative disc disease. A condition in which the fibrous disks that work to absorb the shock between the spine’s vertebral bones lose their moisture content as someone ages naturally, becoming more brittle and shrinking in size. The discs begin to feel less sponge-like which can cause inflammation or put direct pressure on the spinal nerve. The process of disk degeneration may be accelerated by trauma from a sports injury, lifting, and other physical activities. It can occur in any part along the spine, but it most often occurs in the neck and back.

Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment Options:

Facet Joint Syndromes - Downtown Toronto Neck Physiotherapy

Our Downtown Toronto neck physiotherapy program sees a lot of facet joint syndromes. Facet joint syndrome is pain at the joint between two vertebrae in your spine. Another term for facet joint syndrome is osteoarthritis. Facet joint syndrome can be caused by trauma, such as a whiplash injury of the neck, and it is not uncommon for athletes who participate in contact sports to experience some degree of facet joint syndrome as a result of considerable motion and excessive force to the body.

Facet Joint Syndrome Treatment Options: