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Downtown Toronto 416-722-3393
East York 416-888-1008

Titleist Performance Institute (TPI)

What is the Titleist Performance Institute?

The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is the world’s leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing.

Since being established in 2003, founders Dr. Greg Rose and Dave Phillips along with a 52-member advisory staff of industry leading experts have systematically studied and gathered data on golfers of all shapes, sizes, ages, and fitness levels.

By analyzing this data, the professionals at TPI discovered how a properly functioning body allows a player to swing a golf club in the most efficient way possible. Further, they identified how physical limitations in a player’s body can adversely affect the golf swing and potentially lead to injury – The Body-Swing Connection™.

TPI’s mission is to educate golfers and industry professionals on this Body-Swing Connection™ through its ‘TPI Certified’ screening programs. This screening program is used daily by some of the top golfers and medical personnel on the PGA tour. 

The TPI ‘Swing Philosophy

“The professionals at TPI believe that the most efficient swing is unique to every individual’s body and is therefore not the same for every golfer. To achieve an efficient swing, a golfer must first be screened”


What to expect during your TPI golf swing assessment/screen?

A TPI certified Push Pounds Sports Medicine health professional will conduct your individualized golf swing evaluation involving a detailed health history, movement quality assessment, and comprehensive video analysis of swing biomechanics.

The results of this screening process are then used to create a treatment plan unique to you. The plan may include fitness training/corrective exercises, manual therapy and treatment, along with coaching of swing biomechanics, nutrition, mental strategy or all of the above.

What are the benefits of doing a TPI golf screen?

The TPI golf swing assessment is meant to help both professional and recreational golfers identify inefficiencies in their swing which may be affecting their performance, and also for those who are experiencing pain or discomfort during or after their round.

Our TPI certified healthcare professional can help you identify specific physical limitations unique to your body that may be negatively affecting your performance, potentially contributing to your symptoms, or putting you at risk of developing an injury in the future.

Common areas of golf-related pain and discomfort are:

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Mid / Upper Back Pain
  • Rib Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Rotator Cuff / Shoulder Pain
  • Elbow Tendonitis (Golfer’s Elbow)
  • Wrist Tendonitis / Hand Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Knee Pain

What is the price?

The price of the initial one-hour TPI golf screen is $135.00. Follow-up screenings/treatments are $95.00 for 30 mins, or $125.00 for 60 min depending on the number of areas needing to be addressed for your specific plan.

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